In the past couple of years, the Keto diet has taken the world from the storm. From celebrities to your next-door neighbour, everybody seems to be in love with this new fitness mantra.
And, why wouldn’t they be? A diet that encourages you to have your favourite grilled chicken or cheese omelette is a dream come true.
However, this is where precaution should come in. Keto diet works by eliminating your carb intake and stimulating your body to derive energy from dietary and stored fats.
It is a high fat, low carb diet. While you may consider every fat to be alike, it is not so. Some kinds of fats are healthier than others.
To achieve your fitness goal, you must know the difference between good and bad fats. Let us give you an overview of both.
If there was a fruit that dropped right from heaven to our laps, it would be avocado. It is a miracle fruit which contains healthy fats, high fibre and many nutrients. So, go gobble up your guacamole and avocado smoothie.
Your mom was right all along. Nuts are the healthiest and richest source of energy and nutrients. They reduce the risk of many major ailments like heart diseases and cancer. Eat them as a snack for good energy levels, or sprinkle them on your salad and smoothie.
Yes, your entire cookery show binge was worth it. Olive is a godsend when it comes to heart health, vitamin E and other nutrients. They’re rich in fat content and are known for their antioxidant properties which prevent cancer, heart diseases and fights bacterial infection.
According to Heathline,
“74% percent of this fat content is oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid. It is the main component of olive oil.”
Oleic acid helps in weight loss, prevents aging and reduces inflammation. What are you waiting for?
Pro Tip: Put some in salads or make dips or marinades; make the best use of it.
Tallow is the other name for beef fat which is extensively known to be vitamin-rich and fat-rich keto food! A bunch of healthy saturated fats namely palmitoleic acid and linoleic acid also contribute to making beef to our ‘well-behaved fats’ list. While palmitoleic acid decreases LDL cholesterol, linoleic acid improves your skin’s health. Shallow fry it or saute it; the choice is yours!
Are you eating the supposedly “healthy” packaged food? If yes, then you must rethink your diet plan. Packaged food contains the highest amount of trans fat. Trans fat must be avoided at all costs; whether you’re on Keto or not.
Did You Know? As per American Heart Association,
“Trans fats raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and lower your good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Eating trans fats increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke.”
So, your dietician said you could have a hot dog a day while on Keto and you’re the happiest. Trust us, it is not worth it. Though it may seem like a great idea to have processed meat like sausages and hot dogs while on diet, it can increase your chances of cancers of the digestive tract. Remember, health over taste.
Some dieticians allow the inclusion of deep-fried food in your Keto diet but we suggest you otherwise. Fried foods tend to observe a high amount of trans fat and cause health damage with continuous consumption. Prioritize your long term wellness and practice constraint.
A ketogenic diet is all about utilizing fats actively to accelerate weight loss. It works on the concept of consuming high fats but you must know what strengthens your body and what damages it.
After all, real fitness is not in your waistline but your wellness.